Making internal communications fun with custom comic animations
Richter helps Safelite boost morale and communicate internally with a series of custom comic video messages from the CEO.
Making internal communications fun with custom comic animations
Richter helps Safelite boost morale and communicate internally with a series of custom comic video messages from the CEO.

Finding the details to truly let people know they are valued.

The executive strata at Safelite wanted to recognize their valuable team members in a way that was heartfelt and joyful. To solve this, the Richter team created a comic version of their CEO to deliver heartfelt and personalized messages of acknowledgement for promotions, birthdays, work anniversaries and exemplary work.


Comic Animation, Internal Communication



In the ever-evolving world of corporate communication and team building, Safelite found itself facing a challenge familiar to many organizations: how to engage and inspire its team members in a meaningful way. To accomplish this, they turned to Richter.

During the resulting collaboration, the Richter team has been able to harness the power and fun of comic book style animation to create a series of animated videos that would serve multiple purposes, from conveying messages from the CEO to acknowledging key personnel milestones and achievements and making exciting announcements to the Safelite team.

Richter's team of talented animators and storytellers began by immersing themselves in Safelite's corporate culture, values, and goals. They held extensive discussions with Safelite's leadership and HR teams to understand the specific needs and objectives of the project. This comprehensive understanding enabled Richter to craft a strategy that would not only meet Safelite's immediate goals but also leave a lasting impact on the organization's internal dynamics.

The first task Richter undertook was developing a unique comic book style for the project. This style combined vibrant colors, dynamic character design – including custom avatars of key Safelite personnel – and visually engaging narratives to create a compelling visual experience that would resonate with Safelite's diverse workforce.

Once a style was created the project could begin in earnest, with videos being created with a variety of themes. Some were heartfelt messages from the CEO, delivered in a warm and approachable manner that made the leadership team more relatable to employees. These messages provided insight into the company's vision, strategic direction, and the value placed on each employee's contributions. The use of animation allowed the CEO to express appreciation and gratitude in a fun and engaging way.

Another crucial aspect of the project involved recognizing and celebrating key personnel milestones and achievements. Richter's animations transformed the traditional corporate acknowledgments into exciting, custom and memorable experiences. Team members receiving awards or reaching significant milestones were depicted as superheroes within the videos, reinforcing the idea that every individual played a vital role in Safelite's success. This approach not only boosted morale but also encouraged team members to strive for excellence.

The results of Safelite's collaboration with Richter have been nothing short of remarkable. Team members eagerly awaited each new video release, fostering a sense of anticipation and unity. The videos not only conveyed important information but also promoted team values, cooperation, and a sense of joy among the key team members at Safelite.

In conclusion, Richter's partnership with Safelite exemplifies the transformative power of creative and engaging communication tools. Through a series of custom comic videos, Safelite succeeded in boosting morale, reinforcing team values, and fostering cooperation. The result was a workplace where employees not only felt appreciated but also genuinely enjoyed being part of the Safelite family. This project serves as a testament to the potential of innovative communication strategies to create positive change within organizations.

"This … I have no words, but I will find some! AWESOMELY INCREDIBLE 😊
I laughed throughout. I gasped at the attention to detail when Renee moves the circle (and when speaking to details). Perfect timing with the track and such a fun punctuation for the moment. The sound and visual effects of moving at the speed of light … super fun. I really don’t know what to say. These anniversary comic strips are all so good but this one (?) … it’s absolutely the BEST EVER.
I have ZERO changes.
Thank you for the creative firepower here. Outstanding.
Still laughing. That hand looks like Jackie’s!
Super Well Done!!!!"
Safelite Executive

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