Crafting the perfect strategy for Emerson at one of the world's largest industrial trade fairs
Richter helps Emerson ensure their investment in the Hannover Messe event is a resounding success for their business development efforts.
Crafting the perfect strategy for Emerson at one of the world's largest industrial trade fairs
Richter helps Emerson ensure their investment in the Hannover Messe event is a resounding success for their business development efforts.

Helping the message land dead center to Emerson's target audience.

Richter supported Emerson at their event, "The Future of Automation" at the 2024 Hannover Messe industrial trade fair, where they aimed to present the future of their offerings to attendees. Using aesthetics and communication to create a seamless experience, the event was a smashing success and Emerson presented as the world-class company they are.


Strategy and Production



Hannover Messe stands as one of the largest industrial trade fairs globally, attracting a diverse audience of industry leaders, innovators, and stakeholders. For Emerson, participation in this event presented a significant opportunity to showcase its latest technologies and solutions to a captive audience.

For this reason, Emerson approached Richter with a pivotal task: to assist in creating the best possible experience for their target audience at the event. The goal was to ensure the impressive array of content, interviews and information they had compiled was relayed beautifully and smoothly both on the event floor and via live stream.

From Richter's perspective, the aim was to exceed expectations in this while remaining focused on the strategic benefit of conveying these things well – specifically business development. Building upon an already steadfast working relationship, the teams at Emerson and Richter collaborated seamlessly on the project from start to finish. The Emerson team provided the necessary understanding of the event and their objectives, while Richter provided solutions through the lens of their Quadrant Strategy – thereby ensuring that the results not only "looked great" but supported Emerson in their sales efforts.

A Richter video plays prominently above the Emerson area at Hannover Messe 2024.

A key feature of the Emerson experience at the event was a stage on which keynote speakers and thought leaders would be interviewed. Richter's first task was to create dynamic and informative backdrops for this set.

A series of videos was created for this purpose, indeed for every eventuality including displaying key branding, event and stage schedules, transitions to other assets and videos, and beautiful screensavers.

In the image above of the Emerson area at Hannover Messe, you can see the set area in the top right, with the video screen displayed prominently. From the perspective of the live stream of this stage, you can see how beautifully the completed pieces offset these key interviews.

The Emerson logo is animated prominently above keynote speakers.

In addition to branding, the screen was also made to display key information for attendees, such as the event schedule.

An informative schedule displayed above the set.

Another key element was a dynamic and beautiful backdrop and screensaver for their press event at Hannover Messe, which detailed the themed beverage menu created especially for the event, including the Sustainabilitea Latte, Go Green Matcha, the Emerson Espresso and more. The full video can be viewed below.

The Emerson Espresso from the Press Event screensaver.

The final key element was a series of pieces to outline and introduce Emerson's Life Science Innovations. This consisted of two overview pieces, as well as a series of eight transition videos that would introduce each key concept: Life Sciences, Industry Challenges, Large-Scale Manufacturing, Air Filtration Manufacturing, Single-Use Technology Manufacturing, Fill Finish, Blister Packaging and Filling.

The result was, simply put, a resounding success. The team at Emerson are true professionals in creating their trade fair booth and content, and with the coordinated efforst of the Richter team these were tied together into an incredible experience for anyone who attended or viewed online.


Hannover Messe Assets

Hannover Messe Assets

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