Find people who are already motivated

Robert Cornish
Founder & CEO
March 14, 2023

I've been an entrepreneur for nearly 20 years and over those years, I've had to push people and motivate people and invest a lot of energy in them. While necessary when it comes to leadership it's not ideal.

What is ideal is building a team of people who ARE motivated that take initiative toward the given objectives and vision. They find ways to wake up and get themselves motivated and generate their own energy and then act on that energy with initiative.

People who invest in themselves and be an energy unit for themselves.

People need to push themselves but if they need to push you too it’s an energy drag for them and holds them back from being fully productive and it's a drag on the line for the overall mission.

Do you need to be pushed? Do you need to be motivated? Check yourself on that.

No one needed to tell Kobe to hit the gym early. Throw a few more buckets.

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Kobe Bryant

The most valuable people get motivated and push themselves and then take initiative toward the goals and objectives.

My dad, who was a great hockey player used to say he was ambitious about scoring goals and he wanted to score and liked the feeling, and that drove him to be a top goal scorer.

You have to want something and then be motivated for it and then take initiative to do it. What do you want?

If you need to be pushed you take energy from someone else who had to push themselves as well as you now.

That person needs to wake up and motivate themselves and take initiative against that motivation and now — they need to do the same for you too?

That’s sucking energy from you similar to a dementor in Harry Potter.

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From Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban

You’d be better off building a full team of people who don’t take your energy and instead generate their own energy and motivation and take initiative against that.

Additionally — if you have to innovate or come up with ideas for anothers role — that person isn’t really on their post are they? They aren’t really creating in their role? Instead, you’re having to do their work, their thinking…

Build a team of people that are motivated, there’s something they want to accomplish, and they can learn the org objectives and the vision and then get to work taking initiative to pull it off.

Who do you have to put energy into? Handle or remove those people. Find people who are motivated and generate their own energy that take initiative toward the goals and objectives. Then you'll win.

— Robert

About Robert Cornish: Robert Cornish founded Richter in early 2008 to build an agency focused on communication strategies that support sales growth for business-to-business technology-related companies. Bootstrapped with zero capital in the middle of the financial meltdown, Richter went on to make the Inc 5000 list comprised of the fastest-growing companies in America five times. Richter made the Silicon Valley Fast 50 four times and the Entrepreneur360 award two times. Robert has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, Selling Power Magazine, Inc Magazine and IDEA magazine. He's been a guest speaker for ACG Los Angeles, IASA Summit, West Point and been interviewed for 33Voices, EnTRUEpreneurship Podcast and IDEA Magazine by Northwood University. In 2012 Wiley & Sons published his book, What Works, about the lessons he's learned while growing his agency from start-up navigating his way to a multi-million dollar agency. Robert currently owns five companies.

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